Workers Compensation
You’ve been injured at work.
You hurt. You’re not working, or you are working, but with limited hours and duties. Your claim was accepted. Or, it was denied. You’ve seen a doctor, or you’re still waiting for approval to see a doctor. You think you’re entitled to time loss benefits. The insurer says different. Your claim is just days old, or it’s from some time prior to the advent of sliced bread. The insurer says you’re not entitled to a settlement, or you’ve been offered a settlement and aren’t sure it is the best available.
You’re frustrated. Where do you turn for help?
Contacting a workers’ compensation attorney to discuss your Montana work comp claim is the first step. And, contacting Leslae Dalpiaz is a smart step in the right direction. She will listen to your situation, ask questions, gather information, and advocate on your behalf. She will advise you whether you even need an attorney, and if you do, she’ll talk with you about representation.
There is no obligation or fee to discuss your claim. You owe it to yourself and your family to find the best representation available for your workers’ compensation claim in Montana. Leslae handles work comp claims for clients throughout the entire state of Montana. She’s represented clients from Plentywood to Whitefish and Missoula to Sidney, and everywhere in between.
Leslae is versed in Montana work comp law and has the unique perspective of having worked as an insurance adjuster for several years prior to opening her law practice in 1999. That experience gives Leslae a strong understanding of the work comp system and has helped to establish many long-standing, solid working relationships with others in the industry. If you have a work comp claim in Montana, you’ll want Leslae Dalpiaz on your side. She is THE leader in workers’ compensation in Montana. Consistently handling the most settlements in the state and the most total settlement dollars received for her clients, as published annually by the Montana Department of Labor. If you have questions about your Montana work comp claim, call Leslae today!